This illy collection pays a tribute to Brazil and celebrates a partnership which spreads from coffee to art.
Six of the top Brazilian artists were invited to decorate the cups. They are all from the same generation, but from different regions in Brazil, with different styles. They are however united by their internationalism, and the extent of their cultural exchange with other countries and other artists.
A creator of objects and installations, versed in a wide range of techniques, from engraving to sculpture, Maria Maiolino draws blue organic shapes on her cup.
A geometric sign and the color red whiz round the cup by Antonio Dias, who lives between Brazil, Italy and Germany.
Emmanuel Nassar has exhibited his work all across the world, including the Venice Biennale. Small geometric signs decorate his cup on a yellow background.
Nelson Leirner is one of the fathers of contemporary Brazilian art. He is committed, provocative and polemic, but on his cup he leaves a wake of smiles.
A small fly is splayed in a large metaphysical shadow on Regina Silveira’s cup, whereas the conceptual artist, Waltércio Caldas, creates a feeling of suspense with his framed black